HR Hotline is a reporting agency that helps individuals with Complaint Reporting Services, Workplace Complaint Reporting, Sarbanes-Oxley Violations, Sarbanes-Oxley Violations Reporting, Accounting Fraud Violations, Accounting Fraud Violations Reporting, Harassment and Discrimination Reporting, Corporate Compliance Reporting, Conflict of Interest, Misconduct & Ethical Violations, Andru Volinsky, and Complaint Reporting Hotline.

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  Federal and state laws regarding Harassment, Discrimination and certain other offenses provide affirmative defenses against claims when the victim has failed to use a reasonable complaint reporting system.

Isolated blemishes on an otherwise exemplary complaint record may also lower your organization’s exposure to damage assessments and/or a criminal sentence.

HR Hotline services are also an excellent tool for companies in acquisition discussions. Putting HR Hotline in place prior to purchase can provide indications of a company’s organizational health through analysis of recent complaints.


Do your HR professionals or other employees need compliance training? Click below to find out how HR Hotline can help…


You need information. HR Hotline collects it, and also provides additional reports that your organization can use to improve behavior and protect itself from unwarranted action. As a partner to your human resources department and/or audit committee, HR Hotline:

  • Documents reports from complainants.
  • Notifies you of these reports and forwards them to you within one business day.
  • Provides you with monthly reports of complaint activity or the absence of complaints.
  • Provides you with an annual summary of complaint activity and complaint-free periods.
  • Provides incident-specific services, as necessary.

HR Hotline documents and forwards reports covering these inappropriate behaviors and activities that ethical organizations strive to eliminate:

  • Harassment
  • Discrimination
  • Accounting Fraud & Sarbanes-Oxley Violations
  • Compliance Violations
  • Unsafe Work Conditions
  • Violence & Threats
  • Conflicts of Interest
  • Misconduct & Ethical Violations

For more information about these activities reported to HR Hotline, you can click any of the buttons below…

HR Hotline provides additional services to client organizations that provide invaluable information that can focus efforts to improve conditions and protect you from expensive legal actions.

  • Monthly Activity Reports – These reports include information about each and every report documented by HR Hotline that involves your organization. The date of each report, nature of each complaint and pertinent details are included. These monthly reports can help you address problem areas, so that you can quickly and effectively return your organization to top form. Complaint-free months are also documented.
  • Annual Activity Summary – These reports summarize all complaint activity for your organization during a year, by month and by incident type. They might be used to satisfy compliance requirements; analyzed to reveal issues and trends; and provided to your liability insurer for solicitation of premium reductions.
  • Incident-Specific Action – As necessary, HR Hotline provides information pertinent to specific incidents. Copies of complaints and any follow-up information can be made available, along with summaries of complaint activity according to incident date, report date, action date, calendar or fiscal year. HR Hotline personnel are also available, on a per diem basis, for interrogatories and court appearances.

HR Hotline is the pro-active way to keep your organization running right, satisfy regulatory mandates, and reduce liability.

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© 1999-2003 HR HOTLINE, INC.
PO BOX 3438 • CONCORD, NH 03302-3438 • USA • 1-800-784-2970

HR Hotline is a reporting agency that helps individuals with Complaint Reporting Services, Workplace Complaint Reporting, Sarbanes-Oxley Violations, Sarbanes-Oxley Violations Reporting, Accounting Fraud Violations, Accounting Fraud Violations Reporting, Harassment and Discrimination Reporting, Corporate Compliance Reporting, Conflict of Interest, Misconduct & Ethical Violations, Andru Volinsky, and Complaint Reporting Hotline.