Pro-Line manufactures workstations, workbenches, and material handling equipment engineered to increase employee productivity, lower employee fatigue, and reduce the incident of Repetitive Motion Injury - benefits of ergonomic workbench design.
We Service ALL Workbenches, Industrial & Laboratory
Material Handling Needs.
The Pro-Line Series products are typical |
Our Pro-Lab Series workbenches add extensive casework options for biotechnology businesses and laboratories. |
Pro-Line Series Overview | Pro-Lab Series Overview | |
Model HD |
Wire Harness Stations |
Laboratory Casework |
Our broad scope of workbench products means you save money by dealing with one vendor for all your production areas.
In Our Knowledge Center | Featured Case Study |
Focus On ErgonomicsNext to the common cold, no problem accounts for more lost work days (or as many doctor visits) as the aching back. read more |
Williamson Honda keeps traffic flowing in service department with Pro-Line Workbenchesread more |
Our products are modular, you buy only what you need to customize a workstation or production function.