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integrating spheres, spheres, diffuse reflectance, luminance, luminous intensity, metrology, optical calibration, reflectance standards, radiance standards, flux standards, spectral flux, led power measurement, laser diode measurement, illuminance, radiance, irradiance, calibration, optowhite, Zenith® , uniform source, goniometer, colorimeter, white coating, PTFE, BaS04, analytical laboratory, electronic imaging, led flux, lighting, optics, photographic imaging, remote sensing, flat fielding, camera calibration

The lumen is the luminous flux emitted into a solid angle of 1 steradian from a source which has an intensity of 1 candela. In other words, 1 candela = 1 lumen/steradian.
The lumen is a weighted value of watts. The luminous flux of a source is calculated by integrating the product of the spectral flux (power per unit wavlength band) and the CIE V-lambda curve. The integrated value, or area under the curve represents the total lumens from this source.
integrating spheres, spheres, diffuse reflectance, luminance, luminous intensity, metrology, optical calibration, reflectance standards, radiance standards, flux standards, spectral flux, led power measurement, laser diode measurement, illuminance, radiance, irradiance, calibration, optowhite, Zenith® , uniform source, goniometer, colorimeter, white coating, PTFE, BaS04, analytical laboratory, electronic imaging, led flux, lighting, optics, photographic imaging, remote sensing, flat fielding, camera calibration
  ©2003-2024 LuminousOptics

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Providers of integrating spheres, spheres, diffuse reflectance, luminance, luminous intensity, metrology, optical calibration, reflectance standards, radiance standards, flux standards, spectral flux, led power measurement, laser diode measurement, illuminance, radiance, irradiance, calibration, optowhite, Zenith® , uniform source, goniometer, colorimeter, white coating, PTFE, BaS04, analytical laboratory, electronic imaging, led flux, lighting, optics, photographic imaging, remote sensing, flat fielding, camera calibration

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