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integrating spheres, spheres, diffuse reflectance, luminance, luminous intensity, metrology, optical calibration, reflectance standards, radiance standards, flux standards, spectral flux, led power measurement, laser diode measurement, illuminance, radiance, irradiance, calibration, optowhite, Zenith® , uniform source, goniometer, colorimeter, white coating, PTFE, BaS04, analytical laboratory, electronic imaging, led flux, lighting, optics, photographic imaging, remote sensing, flat fielding, camera calibration

Optowhite Reflectance Coating is our versatile, sprayable BaS04 based interior sphere coating. The coating exhibits reflectance values >90% over the 400 to 1000 nm wavelength region. Optowhite is an industry standard for light measurement applications covering the visible and NIR spectrum.
integrating spheres, spheres, diffuse reflectance, luminance, luminous intensity, metrology, optical calibration, reflectance standards, radiance standards, flux standards, spectral flux, led power measurement, laser diode measurement, illuminance, radiance, irradiance, calibration, optowhite, Zenith® , uniform source, goniometer, colorimeter, white coating, PTFE, BaS04, analytical laboratory, electronic imaging, led flux, lighting, optics, photographic imaging, remote sensing, flat fielding, camera calibration
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Providers of integrating spheres, spheres, diffuse reflectance, luminance, luminous intensity, metrology, optical calibration, reflectance standards, radiance standards, flux standards, spectral flux, led power measurement, laser diode measurement, illuminance, radiance, irradiance, calibration, optowhite, Zenith® , uniform source, goniometer, colorimeter, white coating, PTFE, BaS04, analytical laboratory, electronic imaging, led flux, lighting, optics, photographic imaging, remote sensing, flat fielding, camera calibration
integrating sphere components
luminance / radiance standards
light measurement systems
goniophotometric systems
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