Precision Speed & Strength
781-329-8220 tel

PJ Vande Rydt (owner/coach)

PJ Vande Rydt     Owner/Coach, Certified  IYCA (International Youth Conditioning Assoc.)   - PJ has had a passion for sports throughout his life.  As a young athlete he excelled in both baseball and football.  He played in the Tom Yawkey Baseball League for three years.  He was on the Board of Directors and head coach for Brookline’s  Pop Warner Football B team for six years. 

He coaches girl’s youth softball and is assistant coach to a boy’s youth hockey team.  In 2008, he was an assistant coach for the undefeated Westwood middle school football team and will be the team’s head coach this upcoming season.  His love of sports and experience in coaching young athlete’s has resulted in the development of Precision Speed and Strength, Inc.    

Training Today’s Athlete for Tomorrow’s Competition