Many companies such as WalMart, K-Mart, AT&T, Cabletron, and General Motors now require all their vendors to print bar coded data onto all exterior cartons.  Smaller manufacturing companies who may have previously put off bar coding, can no longer do so, the shipments maybe refused or rejected by your customers.  This is called compliance labeling.

These major companies have found that productivity is increased with bar coding, and many of them required it to support their EDI ("Electronic Data Interchange") capabilities.

Winco’s Genisys software system allows you to print the formats mentioned above (K-Mart, etc.).  They are pre-programmed into the system, and allow you to print labels for compliance immediately without any additional programming.

This process need not be a confusing matter.  It should be very easily implemented, and can greatly enhance your market position with these companies.  Read further on this site on how Winco has worked with AT&T to assist their vendors comply with its bar-coding specifications.

Put Winco's Experience With Label Compliance To Work For You

Winco has worked with Lucent Technologies- Merrimack Valley on streamlining their implementation of "Lucent’s Bar Code Specifications."

Many of Lucent’s "selected vendors" were not familiar with bar coding, and had no way to print labels, Lucent was requiring.  Previously, these companies purchased the required labels from service bureaus, which often were late in delivery, and occasionally provided poor quality labels that did not scan or read properly.  These problems could adversely affect their vendor rating with Lucent.

Winco worked with Lucent Vendor Relations Department, and put together a complete compliance kit that includes Lucent Bar Coding Specification guidelines.  Information on how our Genisys System can assist these vendors was included, along with samples of each of the approved formats, so the vendor could visualize their label.

Winco is able to show the vendor how to produce high-quality labels by using their existing PC.  This efficient system is implemented without special programming, and greatly increased the vendor’s processing of orders to Lucent.

Winco was selected to "partner" with these selected Lucent vendors due to our ability to provide a complete labeling system including software and professional technical and repair service.

Compliance Labeling Can Benefit the Whole Company

Compliance labeling ...  Regulatory labeling...  What is it?...  Why do it?  Unfortunately, many companies do not learn about it or take action until it's too late, like the following company.

A shoe manufacturer based in the western New Hampshire was one of the many companies that have recently received letters from customers stating that they must comply.  In other words, they must apply a readable bar code label to all products being shipped to their customers.  In this case, the company they sell to received the compliance letter from the retail giant.  As you can see, compliance has a domino effect and affects companies of all sizes.

As bar codes have proven themselves to be the most reputable and used method of product identification, many companies such as AT&T, K-Mart and WalMart are requiring that any product entering their shipping and receiving departments must meet their bar code shipping requirements.

Some of the requirements that these companies are insisting on are the label material needed and its physical aspects as well as the specific placement of the label on a container or product and type and symbol specifications for the code.

Winco demonstrated how easily bar codes can be used it all areas of a company.  For example, bar code identification speeds up data collection and data entry with less time and virtually zero errors thereby increasing customer satisfaction.  The next step was to choose a bar coding system that best met their compliance needs.

Our ability to provide complete system integration including a printer, software, labels in matching ribbons was instrumental in the company's decision to purchase the Winco Genisys system.  The Genisys system was chosen and proved to be successful not only for its ability to comply but also for its ease-of-use in the company that have never bar coded.

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