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Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy
Ultrasonic Instrumentation

Calcified deposits called calculus or “tartar” adhere to tooth surfaces both above and below the gum-line.  Ultrasonic instruments are power driven scaling devices that remove these deposits safely and effectively and may eliminate or minimize hand scaling. First introduced in the 1950’s, these devices convert high-frequency electrical energy into mechanical energy in the form of rapid vibrations. 

Although the main action of the ultrasonic scaler is mechanical, cavitation and irrigation also play important roles.  Water is required to dissipate the heat produced at the vibrating tip.  Cavitation occurs when the water meets the vibrating tip, creating minute bubbles that collapse and release energy thus destroying bacteria and their toxic by-products.  Irrigation occurs as a result of the water spray penetrating to the bottom of the gum crevice surrounding each tooth and providing a continuous flushing of debris and bacteria.