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Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy
Behavioral Modification

The road to Oral Health Wellness starts with the first step, awareness.  Clients receive all the benefits of co-discovery through our Comprehensive Oral Examination.  This unique approach to oral health provides each client with a perfect opportunity to view their own unique situation.

When there is a diagnosis of gum disease, the treatment and maintenance phases can require a change in behavior in order to reach a state of health.

The staff at Riverview Dental Associates of Concord is committed to guiding you toward achieving the best possible oral health in a non-threatening and non- judgemental way.  We guide you through the stages of change using active listening and self-evaluation assessments and self-management tips. 

Smoking is directly linked to gum disease and therefore we incorporate a Smoking Cessation Program designed to support you in achieving the important health centered behavior of a tobacco free life.