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Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy
Bite Adjustments

In many cases, teeth that are out of alignment or balance exaggerate periodontal disease.  Dr. Burdette is a highly qualified expert in occlusion (bite) as evidenced by his post-graduate training in occlusion and reconstructive dentistry with the prestigious L.D.Pankey Institute.  Dr. Burdette examines each patient/client for bite issues that are related to the periodontal diseases.  Treatment may include a procedure called equilibration (balancing the entire dentition).

For many individuals with poorly positioned teeth, an increased risk of periodontal disease exists.  Properly aligned teeth are less stressful on the supporting bone and jaw joints, easier to brush and floss and can help gums “fit” tighter around them, which may lead to better periodontal health.  We recommend invisible braces called Invisalign®, which for certain individuals, can minimize the risk of periodontal disease.