MTM Trading Programs are not for sale or lease. Trading signals for an MTM Trading Program can be purchased on a yearly subscription basis, charged monthly, with automatic renewals, through the brokerage firm authorized to implement our trading recommendations on your behalf. Your subscription starts with the first trade implemented. After the first year of service, if a client should elect to terminate their subscription with their MTM Trading Program, their termination will take place 90 calendar days after notice of termination has been received by MTM or their broker. No pro-rata refunds in the first year of service are available. Pro-rata refunds are available in subsequent years following the initial first year of service. Click this link, Trade Execution, on this site and contact an authorized broker directly and proceed with participation. This website does not conduct financial transactions.

MTM-25 (High Growth)
Cost: $100 per month per $25,000 in leverage traded plus a round turn brokerage commission of $35.00 from the broker. Approximate total cost per year in percent per $25,000 including commissions: 8.8%

MTM-100 (Moderate Growth-with greater emphasis on Capital Preservation)
Cost: $100 per month per $100,000 in leverage traded plus a round turn brokerage commission of $35.00 from the broker. Approximate total cost per year in percent per $100,000 including commissions: 2.67%

IMPORTANT NOTICE: MTM recommends to subscribers to think in terms of 36 months of service when considering our products. From twenty years of experience in working with individual investors, we have come to understand that the vast majority of people will tend to want to start an investment right after it has performed well and will tend to terminate that investment at or very near it’s performance lows, which is often an exit at exactly the wrong time. We cannot guarantee the future performance of our products. But we can guarantee that no one will ever benefit from a profitable investment over the long term time frame, if they pull out of an investment near the bottom of it’s performance cycle.

For the best interest of all participants, total participation in any program will be limited as determined by MTM. Subscribers who terminate their subscriptions with MTM who want to re-instate their subscription service at a later date, will be considered on a secondary basis, as compared to new subscribers, if a wait list should exist for those wanting to use MTM Trading Programs.