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Area & Oriental Rug Experts

Sales and Motivation Training • Educational Seminars
Certified Appraisals of Value and Loss

The Answer to Your Rug
Claims Questions is MERA

For Claims and Restoration Professionals


Rug Claims Appraisal and Restoration Experts

When loss professionals need to know value and assess claims for Oriental and fine area rugs, they contact the specialists at MERA.

MERA’s Certified Rug Appraisers are specialists, with years of retail experience.

One to dozens at a time – from private homes, offices, stores and warehouses – thousands of rugs have passed through our hands, and our Certified Rug Appraisers are continually called upon to accurately value claims of all types and sizes, in a variety of circumstances.

MERA makes your job easier.

Our certified appraisals are comprehensive, accurate and impartial; and presented in a professional and easily-understood format.

  • MERA’s professionals know the true value of all rugs in today’s market, and help you avoid disputes in cased of claimed versus actual value
  • MERA’s experts handle claims and follow-up in the most efficient way possible, often electronically, reducing your costs
  • MERA’s experience and credentials across all aspects of the rug industry can prove invaluable, when necessary, especially in expert testimony

MERA’s unlimited resources and nationwide network of certified appraisers and rug restoration professionals also help you minimize the loss.

  • MERA can determine whether a rug must be replaced, or if it can keep its value with proper cleaning and repairs
  • MERA facilitates emergency removals, estimates cleaning and repairs, and provides exceptional restoration services

When you need to know the value or restoration options for Oriental and other fine area rugs, contact the experts…

Sy Mahfuz

Steve Boodakian



Claim Notification Form


“Everyone came away with a better understanding of the most effective way to handle rug claims...…”
William Lamb, Senior Claims Supervisor
Amica Insurance


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