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Publish your book with People with Disabilities Press at

You or your organization can now publish books in the disability field that need to be published and bring back books that are currently out-of-print.

As a Series Editor, People with Disabilities Press at, Dr. Klein screens manuscripts for inclusion in the series. If it is accepted for the series, your book(s), including out-of-print books, will be published and on sale at a reasonable price within several months.

You/your organization may have manuscripts that other publishers have been reluctant to publish. You/your organization may have published monographs, proceedings, reports or other materials that deserve a wider audience. Or, you/your organization may want to create a book of the articles or papers you have published? How about books you have done that are now out-of-print that people still ask for? Now, you/your organization can publish such work as quality paperback books and market them worldwide!

All copyrights remain with you or your organization. In the future, you can revise books. This is an ideal way to create books that include directories that need to be kept current.

Your royalty from will be 15% of sales. And, you can purchase books for resale or distribution at a discount.

Publishing on demand

All books in the series are published in collaboration with does “publishing on demand.” That means that once iUniverse has your manuscript in an electronic format (word processing file), the book becomes available within a few months! Books are printed as they are sold; the publisher has no need to print a minimum number. Check out the website to learn how key players in the publishing industry, including Barnes & Noble, are working with iUniverse.

Anyone can publish a book with iUniverse. When you use the services of People with Disabilities Press, there is no upfront cost to you and you get the benefit of the marketing services described below.

Out-of-print books

People with Disabilities Press can bring back out-of-print books. With written permission of the original publisher, all we need are two copies of the original book.


People with Disabilities Press books are marketed worldwide via this website.

Book prices are comparable to typical paperback books.

Books are publicized to key people and organizations in the disabilities field. Books on specific topics will be marketed to appropriate organizations and groups.


Manuscripts are reviewed by Stanley D. Klein, Ph.D., Series Editor and/or other appropriate experts. Books must be at least 108 pages; approximately 30,000 words.

Once accepted, author is responsible for creating an electronic word processing file for each book. Author is responsible for all proofreading. We strongly suggest that each author hire a copy editor/proofreader to review the manuscript before submitting it to iUniverse.

Author is responsible for all permissions, including for out of print books.

Author has input on cover design. Photographs and other artwork can be used in the book

Books are printed as quality paperback books.

Authors pay minimal upfront fees. Authors receive one free copy of each book.

Royalties, Author discounts

Author contract is with iUniverse. Author’s royalty is 15% of net sales. Author can purchase books at a discount; however, author does not receive royalties on these purchases.

Submitting a manuscript

Before submitting a manuscript, please send a description of your book and your ideas about marketing it (500 words or less) to:

Once we give you the green light to submit your manuscript, please mail hard copy of your manuscript to: DisABILITIESBOOKS, Inc., 30-B Cherry Street, Gloucester, MA 01930,

Please include an envelope and postage so that your manuscript can be returned to you.

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