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SBCA Releases Annual Report of Statewide Licensure Requirements

Washington, D.C., December 12, 2007 -- The Satellite Broadcasting and Communications Association (SBCA) released today their annual report for statewide licensure requirements for satellite contractors and technicians.

Currently, six states (AK, CA, GA, VA, WA and WV) require only the company (contractor or sub-contractor) to be licensed.  Another five states (AZ, FL, LA, NM and WY) require only the technician to be licensed.  Six states (CT, D.C., HI, MN, NV and RI) require a combination of contractor and technician to be licensed.

In 2007, only one state passed into law licensing legislation.  Iowa passed into law H.F. 897 which created the Iowa State Electrical Examining Board and subsequent regulations.  The bill specifically exempted the satellite industry and will have no impact on satellite technicians and contractors operating in the state.

Several other states also considered licensing bills, including Connecticut, Massachusetts, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Wyoming, and two cities, Philadelphia and New York City, considered adopting new regulations.  The SBCA will continue to monitor legislation in those states entering the last year of their two-year legislative cycle.

A detailed licensing database is available for SBCA members on its website.

The Satellite Broadcasting and Communications Association is the national trade organization representing all segments of the satellite industry. It is committed to expanding the utilization of satellite technology for the broadcast delivery of video, audio, data, music, voice, interactive, and broadband services. Additional information can be found at