Globetech Consultants was established to provide high-tech companies with expert technology consultants. Our registry of consultants represents a very broad spectrum of expertise in research, design, development, and manufacturing. Thus we work with clients engaged in virtually all industries that rely on some level of technology.

Globetech Consultants provides several critical benefits to the client:

  • Highly Qualified Experts
    • Globetech Consultants thoroughly screens our registry for the most qualified experts that uniquely fit the needs of our clients.
  • Speed
    • Since we understand that, not only is solving the problem critical, but it must be accomplished in the shortest amount of time possible. This is why Globetech Consultants provides clients with a response in less than 48hrs.
  • Lower Operating Expenses
    • Just the effort associated with searching for the right expert is expensive. Globetech Consultants eliminates the typical costly scenarios whereby key company personnel make numerous calls, often to colleagues, who might then suggest some possible candidates, who themselves often direct the search to others, and on and on. We also eliminate another costly search scenario whereby a client contracts with an agency that often only does a limited resume screen, requiring the client to take additional time to do more thorough reviews and engage in subsequent interviews. Because Globetech Consultants understands the technical details, we are able to fine-tune the need and thus provide the client with highly-screened qualified candidates. By rapidly providing the client with qualified expertss Globetech Consultants eliminates the time and money common to these ineffective approaches.

Globetech Consultants has been established to be a single point of contact for providing our customers with the best solution and the most cost-effective solution in the shortest possible time. We at Globetech Consultants invite you to take advantages of our services, and we promise to do our best to exceed your expectations.