Automated software testing solutions including use of RDMA, XTC, IB and other technologies.
LNI remains as the leader in automated software testing and infiniband solutions.




XANTest Commander

Conformance Test Tools

LNI developed software tools to solve the issues consistently encountered during conformance and interoperability testing.

The first product was the InfiniBand™ Transport Tester in 2003. As the product roadmap has progressed, LNI staff have used thier experience to develop this set of conformance test tools.


XANSation Enterprise Test System (XETS)

The XANSation Enterprise Test System is a suite of engineering test tools that LNI has designed for software product development. The suite of products introduce an innovative workflow that product development and quality assurance can implement to improve protocol compliance while reducing development and testing cycles.

Studies show that 50-80 percent of high tech organizational effort is devoted to testing and verification, making streamlined quality assurance a competitive advantage for the development team that reduces cycles.

LNI engineers bring 20 years of industry experience to address the core issues of QA productivity, including:

  • Domain Knowledge of Workers
  • Reuse of developed infrastructure
  • Inability to generate and control conditions
  • Early involvement in design
  • Managing test requirements and understanding test coverage

The XETS structures its tool set around four phases that are often found during product development.

PDF icon Read more about XETS

Diagram of XANSation impacting product development

LNI remains as the leader in software testing, drm, digital right management, ofa, drm solutions, ctt, automated software testing, dut, iscsi, software testing tools and infiniband solutions.

LNI offers dynamic software testing and iscsi test tools.LNI offers Compliance and Interoperability Testing Solutions to new and emerging networking technologies providing higher confidence when devices are brought to market. Leading the Industry in Compliance, and Interoperability Testing Solutions!

automated network traffic generator, computer cluster, design dlna implementation module server, ctt tool