The Microenterprise Program achieved
great success with a full-time director,
expanding training sessions and
technical support to include S.C.O.R.E.
and the Lowell Small Business Assistance
Center, and issuing additional micro
loans to bring the total loan granted
to over $85,000 and the number of
loan recipients to seventeen.
In 2000, 27 students completed
the program and 10 businesses were
established creating over 20 new
jobs. Many of the businesses that
were started by past graduates throughout
the history of the program continue
to grow and prosper, including Five
Star Video (Ith Robin Lunn) and
EKREACH Temps (Dave Khon). We count
the success of these up-and-coming
entrepreneurs among our own successes.
Plans for the coming year include
hiring additional staff, including
a part-time bookkeeper and a full-time
micro loan originator. The ultimate
goal is to package and underwrite
the micro loans "in-house"
in order to decrease processing
time and increase the efficiency
and timeliness of repayment and
collection procedures. We also look
forward to starting the Youth Entrepreneurship
and mini loan programs in 2001.
The successes of the past year
can only be attributed to the outstanding
leadership and exceptional efforts
of the Board of Directors, Advisory
Committee, and community support.
Without the hard work and support
of talented people like CALL's past
President, Vesna Nuon; acting President,
Jim Wilde; Germaine Vigeant-Trudel,
Treasurer; Pastor David Malone,
secretary, Barry Pearson, Ken Masson,
Vera Godley, Da Suon, Vannak Theng,
and others, it would be difficult
to continue our work. Special thanks
to the Microenterprise Advisory
Committee and to Donald Washburn
of MassBank for Savings, Germaine
Vigeant-Trudel of the Lowell Development
and Finance Corporation, Ernie Middlemiss
of Washington Savings Bank, Diane
Baker of Northern Massachusetts
Telephone Workers Credit Union,
and Mark Friedman of Third Culture,
for participating in the Microenterprise
Loan Committee.
Bronnie Barry, BS, the
Microenterprise Director, recruits
students, coordinates instructors
for training, provides technical
assistance, and utilizes community
business leaders for additional
technical support. Bronnie comes
to CALL after a number of years
in education, which include Franklin
Pierce College as the Assistant
Director of the Salem Campus.
Mark Friedman, BA, MIA,
as the Instructor/Business Training
Coordinator, teaches classes and
provides technical assistance to
the program's participants. Mark
is also on the faculty of Franklin
Pierce College and Daniel Webster
College and owns and operates a
consulting firm, Third Culture,
Training graduate, Poe Guevara,
Fabu Fashions, models fashions at
the Lowell Folk Festival