Time Home Buying Seminar
In collaboration
between CALL and the Merrimack Valley
Housing Partnership (MVHP) started
in November 1995. The seminar is
offered quarterly. More than two
hundred fifty (250) Southeast Asian
immigrant families, most Cambodians,
have finished this training. Approximately
ninety (90) families have already
purchased their homes and more than
twelve (12) families have received
down payment assistance.
Deborah Ye, BA, Housing Development
Director, oversees the many
aspects of CALL's development projects,
recruits participants for the First-Time
Homebuyer Seminars, coordinates
instructors for three segments of
the training, and provides technical
assistance. Pov's considerable experience
with non-profits and community service
in the City of Lowell have proved
a valuable asset in her current
Homeownership Education
and Assistance Program
This program, currently
in its third year, is funded by the Department
of Housing and Community Development (DHCD),
formerly of the Executive Office of Community
and Development (EOCD), to provide additional
services beyond those provided by CALL
and MVHP, such as follow-up after completion
of the First-Time Home Buying Seminars,
down payment assistance, home buying assistance,
and other assistance provided to new and
emerging CDC's throughout the Commonwealth.
Outreach in Lowell's Southeast Asian Communities
- Currently, in collaboration with the
International Institute of Lowell, CALL
has continued this very important program.
The experience of the Citizen Education
and Democracy Program, administered by
the Cambodian American League of Lowell,
Inc., clearly demonstrated the importance
of a bilingual/bicultural staff in reaching
the Southeast Asian community. One hundred
forty-seven (147) Southeast Asian immigrants
were identified and contacted as eligible
candidates for United States citizenship;
one hundred twenty-five (125) of those
persons identified began the citizenship
process. The outreach includes activities
in the Highland section of the city as
well as other neighborhoods with a high
concentration of Southeast Asian immigrants.
It also reflects significant contact and
cooperation with area business owners
to get the word out (i.e., flyers distribution).
Funded for this program ended June 30,