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   at the office : telephone interface

You and your team have been working for months on a huge proposal. You are waiting on an urgent e-mail which is due any minute which will have the final contract detalis.

Even though your department meeting is starting a little late, you still don't have enough time to run back to your desk to check your PC for the e-mail.

What do you do?
If you were a Unified Messenger subscriber, you could simply pick up the phone in the conference room and use the Search for Specific Messages feature. This allows you quickly locate and listen to the e-mail read to you by the system!

So How Would This Work?
What follows is a transcription of the system dialog. If you would prefer to Hear the Voice of Messaging, then click the button.

Please enter your password, then press pound.
2 - 9 - 2 - 9 - 3 #

You have 3 new voice messages, 6 new e-mail messages and 52 saved messages.
Main Menu, to review your messages press 1,
to send a voice message press 2,
to search for specific messages press 3.


Search for Specific Messages
Please enter the address of the person for which you wish to search for specific messages followed by a pound.
To search for messages from all external callers, press 1, followed by a pound.
To spell a subscribers name, press pound

Spell the last name first.
9 - 6 - 8 - 6 - 4

Please select from the following list of names,
To select, Young, Johanna, press 1
To select, Young, Kim, press 2

First located message.
Message from: Young, Kim
Subject: Contract Revisions for the Sparkle Company
This message will take approximately forty seven seconds to review.
James just called me with the final details for their contract. We need to make the following changes to close this deal:
1. Payment terms should be changed to Net-30;
2. Increase the initial order to $3 million;
3. They want to sign the contract in two weeks at their New York office.

End of message.

To erase this message, press 7. To reply by voice messaging, press 8. To save it press 9.

The message saved. Next located message.

Main Menu, to review your messages press 1,
to send a voice message press 2,
to search for specific messages press 3.
to change your personal configuration, press 4,
to restart this session, press 9
to disconnect, press *


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Lucent Technologies.
All rights reserved.