The Experience, Performance, Trained Drivers and Technology That You Need to Ensure The Accurate and Timely Delivery of Your Important Medical Samples and Specimens

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STAT: Pickup within 20 minutes and complete delivery within 0.5 - 2 hours depending on distance
Scheduled and Routed: Dedicated driver picks up and delivers all samples on your daily route.
ISO 9001 Certified
On Time > 98%
Full Uniform With Photo ID Badge
Detailed Background and Criminal Check
Annual Training in Compliance with HMR; 49 CFR 171-180 for the Handling and Transportation of Biological Samples and Hazardous Materials
Equipped to Provide Room Temperature, Refrigerated and Frozen Conditions
Carry PPE and Spill Kits, and Trained in Their Use
Trained for the Protection and Security of PHI
Bar Code Scanning and Tracking
GPS Tracking of Route and Dedicated Drivers
Electronic Signature Proof of Delivery (POD)
Real Time Delivery of PODs by RSS, Text and auto eMail
Standard and Custom Online Reports
System Integration/EDI