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Riverview Dental Associates
Cerec® “One Visit” Onlays & Crowns

For busy individuals, CEREC offers the reassurance of high quality modern dental work and the convenience of single-visit treatment. There are no more uncomfortable impressions taken by filling your mouth with gooey material and going 3 to 4 weeks with a temporary filling. No more second anesthetic to recover from or taking more time out of your busy schedule to return to the office.

Many teeth can benefit from choosing a CEREC restoration such as ones that are broken or decayed or have old, dark and tired looking amalgam (mercury-based) fillings.

A special camera is used to take a high definition image of your tooth. The CEREC machine will produce a 3-D model of the tooth and your trained dentist and staff will be able to create the restoration in minutes. The in-surgery milling machine produces the necessary restoration from a solid block of material to within an amazing 50 microns tolerance. This is bonded in the mouth at the same appointment the tooth is prepared. The resulting restoration is durable, tooth colored and functions exactly like your own teeth. It looks and feels like you have your tooth back!