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Joan Fitzgerald, R.D.H.
Certified Laser Periodontal Therapist
Clinical Dental Hygienist
Marketing Manager

Joan Fitzgerald, R.D.H.Joan, a licensed provider of preventive services for over 25 years, has enjoyed a variety of experiences in the dental healing arts both in private practice and hospital settings. Her eight years experience in geriatrics at the Veterans Administration Hospital allowed her to hone her values of service and compassion for these most precious members of our human family. The most rewarding aspect of Joan’s career is participating in the transformation of her client’s health as they travel the road to wellness. Professional leadership and mentoring have paralleled her work experience. She is Past President of the New Hampshire Dental Hygienists’ Association and is President and CEO of Freedom Partnerships, a health and wellness marketing organization with Oxyfresh Worldwide, Inc.

Fun, friends, family and freedom are the spark in Joan’s life. She and her husband take special pride in supporting their three daughters’ develop their highest potential. Traveling and singing provide a sense of adventure and spontaneity so important to celebrating all of life’s abundant blessings.