credit debt elimination cash advance

Payday Loans

Temptations to borrow are everywhere — at the gas station or grocery store, a credit card gives you an instant loan. If you run out of vacation funds, an ATM will spit out a cash advance.
Such a move can save you money, but for many borrowers it generally ends up costing more in the long run. Worse, the debt elimination may be only temporary. 70% of households who consolidate their credit card bills have run up new credit card balances within in a year. Those that run up credit card debt again will have little or no home equity to draw on for a long time and their total debt will be increased.


Payday Loans offers short term cash advances to help you make ends meet when those situations arise and you find yourself a little short on cash. Our service is courteous and hassle free.

We are not a bank. We are not here to judge and penalize you. We do not perform a standard credit check however, we do utilize various verification type services to help our staff process your application quickly.

Your business is very important to us and we make sure that you are treated both fairly and with respect. We understand that there are certain times that require a little financial help. Acredit debt elimination cash advance instrument allows you to take care of those matters with dignity and confidentiality. We want you to feel that you are important to us and if at anytime you feel otherwise, please let us know.



Our company is registered with the Utah Department of Financial Institutions. Specific rules and laws may differ from state to state. The service we provide may or may not be available in your state. The service provided by this website is not a solicitation for a loan application.

Our services are not offered for those residents in the following states: Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Washington, West Virginia.

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