Cash Reserves Money Market Account - Smart, high-yielding, 100% liquid.

This is a high-yield money market account that's perfect for short-to-medium term savings. Maybe funds for your child's college tuition, or money you're saving to buy a house, or maybe just a conservatively invested emergency fund. The minimum balance to open a Cash Reserves Money Market Account is $10,000. There is a $5 monthly fee for balances that drop below the minimum. You have access to your money by writing a check, making a telephone banking transfer, or through our 24-hour ATMs. Plus this account pays a premium yield! Did you know that the tax rate for Massachusetts's residents on interest earned in Massachusetts's banks is half the rate on other types of interest and dividend income!

To contact us to open an account, click here , fill out the request form and E-mail it to us. A new account opening kit will be mailed to you in a few days. Or stop by one of our banking offices to speak to a customer service representative about the other savings products available. We'll personally help you choose the one that's right for you. Did you know that your Fidelity Bank accounts are 100% insured?  Click here for more details about depositors insurance and the security it offers.

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