Adjustable Slope Roof Curb

Setting your Packaged Rooftop units just got easier with Cambridgeports Adjustable slope roof curb.

The installing contractor will appriciate the ease of installation without wood-shims and last minute adjustments. The adjustable slope roof curb will accommodate a roof slope up to 1” per foot in either direction. No more long lead-times for a custom slope roof curb. Cambridgeport stocks the 3 through 6 ton and the 7 1/2 through 12 1/2 ton curbs.

Full perimeter Wood Nailer
Mitered Top Corners
Heavy Gauge Galv. Steel
Gasket for Unit to Curb Seal
Pre-punch Assembly Holes
Duct Supports
Adjustable up to 1" Per Ft.
Contact Us Today

Cambridgeport products include curb, vibration isolation, curb machine, burglar bar, commercial hvac, curb weight, air condition unit, economizer and roof curbs.