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Self Tour

Chamber of Commerce

Walking Tours.
April 15th through October 31st
Monday through Friday: 11:00am
Saturday and Sunday: 11:00am and 1:00pm
Monday Holidays: 11:00am and 1:00pm

For tours at any other times, advance reservations are required.

Lunch Tour: Involves lunch at the Back Alley Café, off Walden Street.
Adults: $25.00
Seniors: $20.00
Children under 12: $15.00

Step-on bus tour guides: $90.00 per hour, with a $40 non-refundable deposit.

Concord Museum

Step on bus guide: $100.00 (can include a tour of the musuem)

Concord Guides Walking Tours

Offer a tour of colonial, revolutionary and literary Concord.
Adults: $15.00
College Students and Seniors: $12.00
Youth 11-18: $10.00
Children 6-10: $5.00
Maximum Price for Immediate Families: $35.00
Special Group rates and guides for bus tours are available.
Tours: 2:00-4:00pm starting at the Monument Square flag pole.

Beyond Twilight Tours

John Chateauneuf  978-621-6673 (cell phone) or 978-264-4255
For the following tours, meet in front of the Old Burying Ground in Concord Center.

From April 25 - October 31,2002

An American Odyssey: 1635 to the present.

Take a stroll of Concord's paths, graveyards, and neighborhoods, covering 300 years in the evolution of a town and country.
Fridays and Saturdays: 6:00pm
Saturdays and Sundays: 2:00pm  (Reservations required)
(Also unscheduled times by appointment)

Spirits, Legends and Lore

There is more lurking in the shadow of Concord's past then minutemen and poets. From wandering lost souls to the grave measures taken to combat the white plague, discover what some prefer not to tell, and others not to hear.

Thursdays to Saturdays: 8:15pm
(Also by appointment)

Adults: $12.00
Students and Seniors: $10.00
Family maximum is $30.00
We also accommodate large groups and bus tours

Sleepy Hollow Cemetery

Marion Wheeler 978-369-2435


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