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The MonoSpec 18 Monochromator/Spectrograph is the ultimate in high quality compact instruments. Only 6.5 x 6.5 x 5 inches, it features much greater user flexibility than any instrument on the market today. The MonoSpec 18's 90° optical configuration lends itself to easy adaptability in OEM system design.

Because its kinematic grating is easily interchanged, the MonoSpec 18 has a wavelength range that extends from 190 nm - 40µm. There are many gratings available to suit a variety of requirements for resolution and dispersion. Plus ... scattered light is at a minimum due to the Crossed Czerny-Turner optical design, which also virtually eliminates re-entry spectra.

By a simple change in the exit flange, the MonoSpec 18 is converted from a monochromator to a spectrograph. The MonoSpec 18 Model 82-479 Spectrograph is configured to provide an expanded focal plane at the exit port when the spectrograph flanges are in place. This unique feature allows the user to interface the MonoSpec 18 with a variety of multielement detectors including CCD, or photodiode systems.

Monochromators are passive optical devices that can be used to present one wavelength of light at a time. They include an optical configuration of lenses and mirrors, a separating element (commonly a diffraction grating), and an optomechanical means for selecting the wavelength of light displayed.

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Focal Length:
156 mm
Aperture (f/number):
0.6 nm with 1200 g/mm grating
Reciprocal Linear Dispersion:
4.5 nm/mm with 1200 g/mm grating
Stray Light:

Popular Ruled Diffraction Gratings

Blaze Wavelength
Useful Spectral Range
Reciprocal Linear Dispersion nm/mm
260 nm
185 nm-550 nm
250 nm
180 nm-550 nm
300 nm
180 nm-550 µm
500 nm
350 nm-1.2 µm
500 mm
400 nm-1.2 µm
1.0 µm
700 nm-2.0 µm
300 mm
180 nm-750 nm
2.0 µm
180 nm-3.6 µm
4.0 µm
7.0 µm-21.0 µm
6.5 µm
21.0 µm-40.0 µm
10.0 µm
7.0 µm-21.0 µm
30.0 µm
21.0 µm-40.0 µm

MonoSpec 18 Systems & Accessories


MonoSpec 18 Monochromator 156 mm focal length, f/3.8. Crossed Czerny-Turner with entrance and exit slits 90° apart. With digital micrometer drive calibrated for a 1200 g/mm grating. Requires one grating and two slits.


MonoSpec 18 Spectrograph. Spectrograph is equipped with a coupling flange for allowing attachment of OMA (EG&G/PAR) or OSMA (Princeton Instruments) array detector. Requires one grating and one slit.


Exit Focus Tube for monochromator without slit.
00-6260 Coupling Flange allowing attachment of OMA (EG&G/PAR) or OSMA (Princeton Instruments) array detector.
00-4420 MonoSpec 18 Operator's Manual
00-6845 Grating Mount (Alignment bracket/holder).

Ruled and Holographic Gratings

28 mm x 46 mm ruled area on a glass blank 32.0 x 50.0 x 6.4 mm
The following grating assemblies include mounting to the alignment bracket/holder
11-115 Ruled grating, 2400 g/mm, 250 nm blaze
11-120 Ruled grating, 1800 g/mm, 250 nm blaze
11-125 Ruled grating, 1200 g/mm, 300 nm blaze
11-130 Ruled grating, 1200 g/mm, 500 nm blaze
11-135 Ruled grating, 600 g/mm, 500 nm blaze
11-140 Ruled grating, 600 g/mm, 1.0 µ blaze
11-145 Ruled grating, 300 g/mm, 300 nm blazev
11-150 Ruled grating, 300 g/mm, 2.0 µ blaze
11-155 Ruled grating, 150 g/mm, 4.0 µ blaze
11-160 Ruled grating, 100 g/mm, 6.5 µ blaze
11-165 Ruled grating, 50 g/mm, 10.0 µ blaze
11-170 Ruled grating, 30 g/mm, 30.0 µ blaze
11-220 Holographic grating, 1200 g/mm, 200-800 range
11-230 Holographic grating, 600 g/mm, 200-800 range

The following gratings require an 11-098 alignment bracket/holder
985411420 Ruled grating, 1800 g/mm, 400 nm blaze
985411422 Ruled grating, 1800 g/mm, 500 nm blaze
985411917 Ruled grating, 1200 g/mm, 240 nm blaze
985411920 Ruled grating, 1200 g/mm, 300 nm blaze
985411924 Ruled grating, 1200 g/mm, 600 nm blaze
985411926 Ruled grating, 1200 g/mm, 700 nm blaze
985412917 Ruled grating, 600 g/mm, 240 nm blaze
985412918 Ruled grating, 600 g/mm, 300 nm blaze
985412920 Ruled grating, 600 g/mm, 400 nm blaze
985412926 Ruled grating, 600 g/mm, 700 nm blaze
985412937 Ruled grating, 600 g/mm, 2.5 µ blaze
985413922 Ruled grating, 300 g/mm, 500 nm blaze
985413930 Ruled grating, 300 g/mm, 1.0 µ blaze
985413938 Ruled grating, 300 g/mm, 3.5 µ blaze
985414921 Ruled grating, 150 g/mm, 450 nm blaze
985414942 Ruled grating, 150 g/mm, 5.0 µ blaze
985415424 Ruled grating, 100 g/mm, 600 nm blaze
985415444 Ruled grating, 100 g/mm, 6.0 µ blaze
985417457 Ruled grating, 40 g/mm, 22.5 µ blaze

Many additional options and accessories are available for the MonoSpec 18. Please contact the factory or your representative for more information.

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 2527 Foresight Circle
 Grand Junction, CO 81505
  © 1999-2024 Thermo Vision Colorado, All rights reserved