What Viewers Say About The Power Lab Video:

"A masterful piece of video work! It stimulated us to make our own "unreasonable" power move. It worked! And the success has turned the tide in what had been a demoralized department."

Douglas T. (Tim) Hall
Prof. of Organizational Behavior
Boston University School of Management

"Watching what happened in New Hope grabbed our attention like nothing we have ever experienced on film. It has etched itself in our minds as a guide to any and all tiered organizations."

Martin and Polly Starr
Crummer Graduate School of Business
Rollins College

"I found myself on the edge of my chair. [The documentary] provides a riveting doorway to dialogue on the way our behavior -- mean-spirited and admirable -- derives from our place in community, organization, and society, and the opportunity each of us has to make a difference."

Marvin Weisbord
Co-Director, Future Search Network

"It made me take a look at my own response to power, how I find my voice, and how I show up in the workplace."

Alice Murray
Organizational Learning and Training Manager

"[The documentary] invites us to reflect upon ways we can find enough power and voice -- no matter where we find ourselves in the power structrue -- to make strides toward humanizing our systems."

Maggie Herzig
Founding Associate
Public Conversation Project

"We discussed the video for hours. We're still discussing it, and we plan to watch it again and continue our discussion."

Helen Bishop
Congregational Services Director
Unitarian Universalist Association

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