"Let thy medicine be thy food, and thy food thy medicines."
 - Hippocrates

Executive Summary

Soup As A Nutraceutical or Functional Food

Americans are increasingly more health-conscious, and much of this attention is focused on what they eat. Americans are expanding their view of health care from "corrective" medicine (seeing doctors when a problem arises) to include "preventive medicine" and self-care through eating and exercise. Nine out of ten shoppers now believe that healthy eating plays a key role in disease prevention. One in three Americans is now more likely to treat him or herself through food purchases than a year ago. The desire to ensure overall good health, rather than balanced nutrition or even lower fat, is now the No. 1 factor that motivates healthy food purchase decisions.

Nearly two-thirds of grocery shoppers report that their purchase decisions are driven by their desire to either reduce the risk of, or manage, a specific health condition.

Demand for nutraceuticals and functional foods are growing dramatically. Products which may be able to enhance health, but which aren't officially drugs, are now more appealing to consumers than prescription drugs. Scrip's new report, Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods-A new market for the pharmaceutical industry describes how pharmaceutical companies are making inroads into the nutraceuticals industry through diversification and strategic alliances. The report includes case studies of nutraceuticals and functional foods that have been either developed or marketed by pharmaceutical companies. Research and development into new nutraceuticals is also examined in detail, and the report identifies innovative types of nutraceuticals that are on the horizon.

Linda Gilbert, president of HealthFocus, an Atlanta, GA-based market research firm, states that consumers recognize that there are medical benefits from eating healthy foods. Her latest survey finds that more than half of consumers agree that foods can be used to reduce their use of some drugs and other medical therapy. One in three shoppers always or usually choose foods for specific medical purposes, such as chicken soup for a cold, or cranberry juice for urinary infections (The Health Focus Survey, 2000)

"People are being cautious about what they are putting in their mouths," said Julie Knox, president and CEO of SunValley Labs, Exton, PA, maker of the Innovation nutrition bar. "They're more concerned about sugar and carbohydrates. People are focusing on what's on a label.

Apple A Day Soup caters to shoppers, searching for a food product that they can trust to fulfill their expectation of sound nutrition in a tasty and convenient food.

Apple A Day Soup's secret processing results in a product compatible with all body and blood types, delivering a "nutraceutical dose" to each diner. Implicit in the name-Apple A Day (keeps the doctor away)-is our claim that one soup meal more than fulfills daily vegetable requirements.

(The FDA has established a sub-agency, assigned the mission of developing a nutraceutical "stamp imprimatur" to label foods as certifiably healing. The estimate is that it will be five to ten years before this certification is established. In the meantime, no company may make the claim that it has a product that heals; coincidentally, no soup conglomerate is willing to make the investment to introduce this much needed food, before certification is instituted.)

America, a culture of mixed genotypes, has been perplexed as to dietary needs. Many households contain unrelated members with differing nutritional requirements-a far cry from the experience of just a hundred years ago! Because what works for one type may not be appropriate for another, many dieting regimens have had confusing and sometimes disastrous results.
Our methods of food processing have resulted in a one-food-fits-all solution.

Apple A Day Soup will eliminate needless energy spent on finding the right food, compatible with each, different member of the household. Our goal is to speed up your shopping experience, by providing one food group not needing daily scrutinization.

{Founder's note: Apple A Day is dedicated to conform to that elegant code of the marketplace, demanded of the reification of the nutraceutical Warshian Leap.}

Hippocrates rules!


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