Why should you join our team?

Our product is known for its excellent Quality and new desing at competive pricing.Here of some of the reasons why we stand out from the rest.

  1. Absolutely No Start Up Cost - Your kit is issued to you free w/ your first Kiss Me lingerie starter up show. Sales must be of $300.00.
  2. No Monthly Sales Quotas
  3. One Week Delivery Of All Product
  4. No Inventory
  5. Free Sales Training
  6. Variety of Fashional poduct line - We offer not only Lingerie but we also have a fashionable line of sportwear, swimmwear, sleepwear, our new mommy and me line and as well as mens sleepwear.
  7. Our employees receive 50% off on all our product
  8. Earn Full Time Pay Working Partime Hours - Our average show takes about one hour to two hours from start to finish our average show is $400.00 to $450.00 dollar. Consultants earn an average of $100.00 an hour to 112.00 and hour. Per show. That's higher than most other companies offer.