Electra Medical Corporation is a leading provider of Small centrifuges, Angular Rotor Centrifuges, Fixed Angle Rotor Centrifuge, Capillary Tube Centrifuge, basic bench top centrifuges, Stainless Steel Incubators, PID Controlled Incubators, Triple Isolation, incubators, Digital Display Incubators, Cooled Incubators, Air forced ventilation incubators, Medium lab incubators, Natural Convection Dry air sterilizers, PID Controlled Sterilizers, Stainless steel ovens, Vacuum ovens, Vacuum Drying Function autoclave, bench top autoclaves, Various capacities autoclaves, small steam sterilizers, large capacity steam sterilizer, unstirred water baths, general purpose water baths, shaking water bath, circulator/water baths
Electrolyte Analyzers

Sodium/Potassium/Chloride or Lithium Analyzer

The Electra Medical's ELITE ISE analyzer offer the laboratory complete semi-automation and reliability.

ELITE Highlights:

The electrolyte analyzer is completely semi-automated, microprocessor controlled systems that use current ISE (Ion Selective Electrode) technology. The ELITE ISE product measures various combinations of sodium, potassium, chloride or lithium, in whole blood, serum, plasma, CSF or urine.

Electra Medical has incorporated state-of-the-art electronics and innovative ergonomic design features.

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