About BOX-carz

Patent-pending BOX-carz are an inventive toy for toddlers and preschoolers that’s simple, colorful, engaging and lots of fun! They’re inexpensive, safe, lightweight, easy to store, and don’t need batteries or assembly.

Best of all, BOX-carz run on the most powerful force in the universe – imagination!

Before we rolled out our first models, we had lots of kids try BOX-carz. Lots of moms and dads, too. We tried different sizes, different materials, different configurations and took kids for hundreds of “test drives.” We got great feedback and made lots of minor adjustments until we had everything just right.

Standard BOX-carz come in one size and several models, all carz. But we have plans for quite a few other models. We won’t give away more than that right now – you should just keeping visiting this site, and checking your local stores for new models.

We also custom-build BOX-carz for daycare and early education centers; for private label retailers; and for anyone who wants a fun, inexpensive premium item.

We have a lot of fun making BOX-carz. We know kids have even more fun “riding” around in them. Enjoy!